Welcome to Bassdrive! - TUNE IN Info.

Bassdrive Worldwide Drum&Bass Radio is a 24/7 drum&bass radio station featuring live shows with guest DJs, as well as broadcasts from venues all over the world representing the best of drum&bass and jungle music from around the globe.
-Click TUNE IN to give our Pop-up Player a go!
-Bassdrive is powered by SHOUTcast technology.
There are a variety of streams available!
AAC+ 32K : http://bassdrive.com/streams/bassdrive3.m3u
AAC+ 56K : http://bassdrive.com/streams/bassdrive6.m3u
MP3 128K : http://bassdrive.com/streams/bassdrive.m3u
Web Player : http://bassdrive.com/streams/webplayer
Which stream is right for me?
Use the Pop-Up Web Player when you're stuck behind a firewall that blocks normal streaming.
AAC+ 32K and 56K are for the bandwidth conscious listener. Think mobile or a crowded coffee shop? Don't let the size fool you. These streams pack the same punch as our 128K feed!
Our highly optimized 128K feed is the highest quality of them all. Listeners who accept no substitute use this!
-Mobile: We recommend XiaaLive for mobile use, or any of the various Radio Apps available from the Play Store or iTunes.